Hold On to Your Fruit! Love

Love …

God first.

Then others.

Recently, my friend and writing partner, Heather, shared a roadside encounter with a victim of Alzheimer’s. An encounter she might easily have missed had she not been aware of her surroundings. After reading her post I wondered: How many of us would have driven by without stopping?

How many of us miss opportunities to reach out in love to our neighbors, or those we come in contact with at the mall, the grocery store, the post office? How often do we miss giving a simple word of encouragement, a smile, a prayer?

Love is first in the list of fruit Paul talks about in Galatians.

My mother-in-law, we call her Mama Jack, excels in reaching out to others. She takes the love God has poured into her and pours it out to everyone she sees. When she first moved to Connecticut from Louisiana, I took her shopping to buy some winter clothes. We walked into one store, early in the day, and the lone store attendant was busy straightening clothes on the racks. She didn’t welcome us into the store. She didn’t even look our way. So, we began to shop.

When Mama Jack found what she wanted and went to the checkout counter, the woman seemed put-out that we were interfering with her routine. There was no welcoming comment. No “Thank you for shopping with us” or “I hope you found what you were looking for.”

Mama Jack saw the woman through the eyes of Jesus and felt His love for her. I don’t recall exactly what was said, but “My Jesus” came forth with a smile. To those words, the downcast store attendant came alive. Her day had begun with an issue she didn’t yet know how to handle. Without hesitation, Mama Jack asked, “May I pray for you?”

“Yes, I would like that,” the woman said.

The attendant’s countenance shifted from downcast to glowing and her demeanor softened. Instantly!

I stood amazed.

When asked which commandment is the greatest in the Law, Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind … And the second is like it; ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matthew 22:36-39 NIV)

God’s love for us is unconditional, unfailing, always, and forever.

When we receive God’s love, accept His offer of salvation, and walk in His Spirit, love pours out of us.

I know I have missed many an opportunity to share Jesus with others. A quote attributed to St. Francis of Assisi says, in one of its many forms, “Wherever you go, preach the gospel, and if necessary, use words.” I pray that my life exemplifies God’s love. But sometimes we need to say something.

I had an opportunity one day, in the grocery store, to reach out to a woman. I witnessed her and her husband having a disagreement. He limped away, using his cane for support, and she wheeled her electronic scooter down the aisle where I stood pretending to focus 100% on the many olive oil choices.  As I turned, our eyes met and she said, “I can’t get him to understand that if he buys that stuff he might as well shoot himself.” She went on to tell me that he was diabetic but wasn’t taking care of himself. She was dealing with her own health issues.

The woman was open to my offer to pray for her. Taking her hand in mine, I prayed. Tears flowed and we talked a few moments more before going our separate ways. She was grateful.

I don’t know the outcome of that prayer, but I know it lifted her spirit in that moment and turned her attention to the God who heals. I was thankful that I had not passed up the opportunity.

Love God.

Love others … and always share Jesus … in action and with words.


Read the entire series–Hold On to Your Fruit!